
Alexandre Herlin

With over 20 years of professional experience working in law firms specializing in business law, Herlin directly advises national and foreign clients in various economic sectors (insurance, finance, automotive, energy, oil, shipping, transportation, printing and publishing, cosmetics, textiles, information technology, among others), focusing on the tax practice area (consulting and administrative and judicial litigation).

+5511 4200 6600 - poste 241

Practice Areas

Tax and Succession


Graduated in Law from Santa Úrsula University, he holds an MBA in business law from IBMEC/RJ and specialization in tax law from the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies.


He is a member of the Brazilian Association of Financial Law – ABDF and a member of the International Fiscal Association – IFA. He is a visiting professor of Tax Law at Fundação Getúlio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro. He is co-author of the book "Taxation of Insurance Companies - Punctual Issues", published by MP Editora (2014), and of the book "Tax Law Issues - In honor of Gilberto de Ulhôa Canto", edited by Arraes Editores in 2020. He is the author of several articles published in specialized vehicles.


French, English and Spanish

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